What is the Wurn Technique?

In the last post, I mentioned I came across something called the Wurn Technique. I have no idea what it is, or whether it works, but I googled it to see what I can find out. Here’s what I came across:

“When Belinda Wurn found herself in chronic pain after treatment for cervical cancer, she and her husband began taking manual physical therapy classes. They hoped that these classes would teach them techniques that would decrease the pelvic pain and dysfunction Belinda experienced. Sure enough, the techniques helped tremendously and the Wurns continued taking class after class.

As they learned more and became comfortable with the techniques, they began expanding on the techniques and developed new techniques. Through their physical therapy practice, they encountered numerous patients with unexplained pain and dysfunction. They tried different techniques to find and treat their patients’ pain and dysfunction – taking note which techniques were most effective. Over time, they had a compilation of hundreds of different manual physical therapy techniques. They decided to name this compilation the Wurn Technique ®.”

Their home office is in Gainseville, Fl and you can find out more information at www.clearpassage.com